Historic Kilrenny, Anstruther Wester, Anstruther Easter and Cellardyke


by Peter Klemen, Tom Turpie, Louise Turner and Thomas Rees

SKU: historic-kilrenny-anstruther-wester-anstruther-easter-and-cellardyke-by-peter-klemen-tom-turpie-louise-turner-and-thomas-rees Category:


The Scottish Burgh Survey volumes have a deservedly high reputation among historians and archaeologists, and this volume on Anstruther, Cellardyke and Kilrenny joins the series at an appropriate time.

The focus of this volume is archaeology which has made great strides in the last thirty years. The survey includes a systematic account of the rich heritage of the built environment of the burghs, from the medieval church towers to the council houses of the period after the Second World War, still built with lofts for fishermen to store their nets. Those who know and love the vernacular architecture of the East Neuk will find plenty to absorb them.

The burghs have always been inextricably linked with the sea and fishing which has shaped their social, cultural, financial and physical make-up. The setting for William Tennant’s Anster Fair and home to Thomas Chalmers, James Melville, Princess Tituaua of Tahiti and and generations of fishing families, the burghs have a rich and deep heritage.

In the tradition of the Scottish Burgh Survey series, it breaks new ground in local studies and provides a solid basis for future town planning and heritage interpretation. If it stimulates the appetite for future studies, inspiring amateur and professional researchers alike, that is entirely to be celebrated.

Additional information

Weight 562 g
Dimensions 245 × 185 × 10 mm


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